sound design

Sound design


The sound design situates the spectators in a context & draw their attention to a specific action. Atmospheres and sound effects are the key to have a qualitative sound editing.
It is carried out in post-production and, in general, after the final editing of the image.

We can work on movies, commercial videos, logos (sonic logo or audio logo), video games, podcasts, radio sports, TV series, TV shows, pieces of art, theatre soundtrack, or any kind of project that needs sound effects or soundscapes.

The sound effects are a crucial step in an audiovisual post production.

By sound designing, we mean the art of using, organizing, record of sound, or dressing sound elements. The sound designer works both in and for the arts of image and multimedia, live performance, or installation, as well as in industry and marketing, urban planning and architecture, etc. His approach is both artistic and aesthetic while being part of a production logic integrating the functional, technical, economic, morphological constraints of the object, space or service considered.

The concept of sound designing is usually used to refer to the creative act of suggesting ideas for a visual work (fixe or animated), or for an audio project (like a radio spot, or podcast). Along these lines, the sound designer is usually thought of as the aesthetic creator of this audio or audiovisual narrative element.



Sculpting sound, record of sound, imagining audio material! Sound creation is a passion whether on a modular synthesizer, with acoustic instruments, from audio recordings (record of sound), or sound samples from recording sessions, vinyls, audio cassettes, atmosphere recorded or heterogeneous sound effects. The sound designer is a professional responsible for the set of music and sounds that will accompany a film, a theatrical performance, an installation, or a presentation. Likewise, among its functions is the manipulation of the different sounds and music to allow them to adapt to the needs of the artistic project in question. In theater, he is integrated into the artistic team, along with the set designer, costume designer and lighting designer, subordinating his work to the indications of the stage director.

Our sound designer has the role of identifying and producing all the sounds necessary for the film, audiovisual production, or audio production. He is responsible for the quality of the sounds he produces. And this, in order to allow their perfect integration with the other sounds used within the framework of the production.

In the meaning of the word “Designer” we will find that design refers to a process that implies Programming, Projecting, Coordinating, Selecting and Organizing a series of factors and elements with a view to the realization of objects. Some of these may be intended to produce communication.

Therefore, it can be affirmed that sound design is the action of Programming, Projecting, Coordinating, Conceiving, Selecting and Organizing a series of sound structures in order to communicate an idea, make a virtual space credible and convey certain sensations to the viewer of an audiovisual product.

It should be noted that this process requires technical, functional, and aesthetic considerations to achieve its goal. This means that if the sound recording (record of sound) during filming is not good, we will not arrive at a good final product and the design will have failed. If the producer does not invest the money necessary to make the sound of a film, the design will be limited. If the dialogues are not understood in the final mix, the poetic flight failed. If a film is technically perfect, meets all the standards, but has failed to move the viewer or shake them out of their seats, something has been wasted.

The main activities of the sound designer concern all aspects of the sound effects of a production:
– Identify and analyze the sounds to be recreated, according to the request of the director, the production, the constraints, etc.;
– Find ways to create sound effects, with ingenuity, efficiency and realism. The sound effects that can be heard in the cinema are the result of high precision work on the part of the sound designers;
– Produce sound effects in the studio (record of sound or recording of sound). After figuring out how to make a sound, the sound maker sets about producing the sound expected by the director. For this, he uses a recording studio as well as audio software.
– The noisemaker can also carry out specific and occasional missions. Some consist, for example, of making sound effects for podcasts chronicles.



The sound effects recreate the missing or bad recorded sounds, like footsteps, explosion, slamming of a door, street noises… All the sounds heard in audiovisual productions are worked on and produced by a noisemaker.
The noisemaker mechanically or electronically produces the sounds necessary for the post-synchronization of audiovisual products with a rich bank of original creations but also custom sound effects.
The noisemakers recreate concrete sounds (record of sound), from heterogeneous objects that they possess and accumulate, as well as with their bodies. The main difficulty lies in the fact that it is often necessary to connect the sound of the sound effects with a real sound recorded during the shooting (recording of sound).

At the origin of all the sound effects of films, series, and other artistic productions we have a noisemaker engineer. Our noisemakers demonstrate precision in all their missions.

Cinema or TV dramas, as well as documentaries require sound design work to illustrate perfectly what is happening in the image, but also out of frame in order to place the viewer as much as possible in the context of the action unfolding before the eyes.

Our studio sound bank is constantly evolving. It’s frequently fed with new sounds recorded (recording of sound) in the contexts of our daily life to have multiply sounds of the same action, and then, be able to incorporate the perfect one to your video.

If we don’t find the perfectly adapt sound to your work, we can create or recording new sound effects to have the best result.

Roles and mission of the noisemaker: to produce effects and soundscapes.
The role of the noisemaker is to produce sound effects, and/or soundscapes mechanically or manually.

To produce these sounds essential to productions, the sound engineer uses multiple techniques. He also uses props, which he uses in the studio. Its objective is to give credibility to a scene through sounds. He can also have the reverse mission: use sounds to make a scene absurd, like in cartoons.
The sound design can be at the full request of the director, art director, or project manager. Or our sound engineers can also present you a full creation (recording of sound) if you don’t know how to manage this part of your project.



The sound effects are intended to produce ambient sounds and sound effects. In the context of the use of dubbing in cinema or animation production, this step is crucial and necessary in the development of the sound environment which can only exist by recreating sounds. The passionate noisemaker will record sounds from the most unusual objects in order to recreate certain atmospheres as effectively as possible. Sound effects are used both in post-production audio and in the creation of a sound environment in the field of entertainment, which uses multimedia effects more than ever.

We are going to create sound effects for powerful storytelling movies, from script analysis to final track mixing, customized for your project.

Sound design plays a fundamental role in audiovisual productions since it’s capable of arousing emotions and transporting the viewer to real or imaginary places.

The sound design of a film must begin with the writing of the script, be considered by the director when transposing the story to the film script, be jealously guarded by the producer and the other members of the filming team, begin to materialize in image editing and concluded by the sound post-producers. All these stages are supervised and coordinated by the sound director.



Audio logo: your sound identity (brand sonic), part of your brand DNA.
Sound is an increasingly important dimension to enhance your brand communication.
The identification and memorization of your brand also involves its sonic logo.
When we create a sonic logo (audio logo), we consider that your brand heritage deserves its own sound identity and dynamic musical communication. The important thing will be to design a coherent and evolving sound charter.
The sonic logo is a small, short symbol allowing you to quickly identify your brand, supporting and complementing your graphic communication. Our artistic directors create a customized sound signature for you.

The sound logo is the audio equivalent of a graphic logo used for the communication of a company or a brand. It’s like an “audio signature”.

The sonic logo / audio logo must be very brief, quickly memorized, easily declinable and original. In a few seconds, it must be immediately identifiable, convey emotions and bring a universe specific to the brand it represents. The sounds used and/or the notes chosen must quickly touch the listener and be totally complementary to the graphic logo.

A short melody is often used, sometimes only a sound, a sound atmosphere or more simply a voice, a word, a sentence.

A brand that chooses to communicate with a sonic logo reinforces its communication strategy by establishing “a sensitive construction between the brand and the consumer”.

An audio logo is used for advertising and communication, like a jingle.

The sonic logo (or “audio logo”) is a short, distinct melody or other sound sequence, usually positioned at the beginning or end of an advertisement, a video, a podcast, or a radio sequence.

The sonic logo leads to learning effects on the consumer’s perception of a certain product. A melody is the most memorable sound sequence, since when a melody begins, the human brain automatically waits for the end.
The most essential qualities of a sonic logo / audio logo are uniqueness, memorableness, and relevance to the brand promise.

The five main characteristics of a brand’s sound identity are:
– Duration and clarity
– Uniqueness
– Relationship to the mood, the message or the product
– Pleasant feeling
– Familiarity

Our sound designers are going to make sure that consumers associate that familiar sound with the corresponding brand (sound designing).