audio producer

Original composition


If you are a company that needs original music production to enhance your corporate image or launch a product or service, we can provide you an original composition with the best means and our best know-how to reach your goal.

We carry out each of the steps of the production of an album, from the composition and arrangements, musical direction, selection of musicians and singers, recording, editing, mixing, mastering.

Budget, schedule, recording sessions and arrangements, we take care of everything. And since you are asking our services, you are sure to get very high quality music production at an always attractive price.

From the advertising campaign to the movie trailers, our original composition service is intended to offer you the music production that will fit perfectly with your projects.

We compose original music production, logos, image music, sound designs, jingles, etc.

Music arrangement – Music composition – Lyrics:
We offer you the tailor-made musical arrangement of your song or music in the style you want (Pop, Techno, Electro, Ambient, R&B, Hip Hop, Trap, Rock, Folk, Latino, Afrobeat, Oriental, Soul, etc.), as well as songwriting, lyric writing by a lyricist/author, or voice-witnessing by a professional singer.
Our musicians and sound engineers combine their talents to create your custom song.
We bring our know-how and our creativity to make your ideas a reality, guaranteeing you a professional result, while respecting your identity and your musical universe.



If you are a film director, a television director, or a producer, you will need original music for your film (fiction, documentary, commercial, etc.).
Studio for music: we compose and produce the music that your script requires, always with your instructions and vision, but with the experience, expertise, and musical know-how.

If you are a musician or singer and you have a musical idea or a song that you never get to finish, we help you create a structure and arrangements that fit your style, your taste and that of the market you are targeting.

If you need new songs for your new album, we create all the songs from scratch for your best musical work.

Enjoy a perfect studio for music, specially created for your project.

Complete, flexible, and tailor-made, our sound studio for music offers you an original composition service, a little extra that makes your creation identity perfect.

Musical identity for a brand, soundtrack of a fiction, or even cover of a sporting event, the original composition has no secrets for us, and we are committed to making it as simple as possible for our clients.

Our sound studio for music assures you a multitude of options for your music production.

In addition, you benefit from the professionalism of our musicians and our engineers who accompany you at every stage of your project – thus guaranteeing you a smooth journey.

We create themes, arrange and orchestrate them in our audio studio for music.
We ensure the technique and engineering of the recordings and their artistic realization.
We compose independent sequences or synchronize them to your image or video.
We add sounds effects to your content, video sequences and create the sound design.
We produce in all styles, with a permanent concern for quality, modernity and originality.

The equipment of our studio for music and our large fleet of instruments allows optimal loudness.
The artistic diversity of our composers, engineers, musicians and singers guarantees the authenticity of your creation.



The musical scoring is the combination of sound effects and music incorporated to a film.
The first draft completed, your editing now requires the addition of sound effects and music to make your film more realistic and more interesting for the viewer. This is the musical scoring part.

There are many sound effects that can be added, but the amount needed will be dictated by the fluidity of the viewing. Our sound engineers and musicians can create the perfect musical scoring.

Adding music, when it comes to it, can be more complicated than you think. There are several parameters to consider: experience, audio engineering, skills.

The sound in a film (musical scoring) is made up of dialogue, music, and sound effects. The picture is as important as the sound, and a perfect musical scoring can also become more important than the video.
And here’s why: audiences will be able to see one image at a time, but they can hear dozens of distinctive sounds at the same time as they analyze them and catalog the resulting information. Therefore, it’s possible to convey much more information to the viewer through sound than through image. Our goal when we are editing is to give the viewers as much information as possible.

A lack of information and your audience can be bored, but this cannot happen if you have a good musical scoring.

The musical scoring is a soundtrack of your professional films: a quality musical scoring increases the understanding of your film.

We ensure the sound production of your films from A to Z, in collaboration with sound professionals:
– Creation of the complete soundtrack
– Original musical creation, depending on the style you choose
– Female and male voice over recording in professional studio
– Spoken and sung imitations
– Mixes



The sound of film can be the composition of an original music that is going to be incorporated to your movie, the sound of a sequence, the musical scoring, or a full movie soundtrack.

The composition of a full movie soundtrack (sound of film) begins with the writing of the technical breakdown. Making known an event only by sound allows a narrative economy. Before sound cinema, the source of the sound was shown by a brief shot inserted into the action. Playing with off-screen sound, we show it at the same time as the reaction it causes. The spectator’s imagination transforms the allusion and often reinforces the effect, compared to the explanation by the image.

The production of a full movie soundtrack (sound of film) brings together several elements and sound sources that are going to be mixed to form the final soundtrack of the film (it’s the combination between the musical scoring and the music production):
– Synchronization of dialogues and sounds recorded on set and, post-synchronized dialogues and sounds in post-production.
– The sound of film editing of effects, atmospheres, and sound design.
– Sound effects recorded or created in post-production.
– Music — usually one of the essential components of a film’s soundtrack, it offers the spectator a support for his emotion.



The audio producer is the person who, in the process of creating a multimedia product, is responsible for producing the sound elements, in the studio or in the workshop, which will reinforce the visual content, create the desired atmospheres or provide sound cues for the navigation stages in the product. It must choose the pre-recorded sound sources, the musical signatures, the sound effects and the sound effects to be integrated and ensures, if necessary, compliance with the rules of intellectual property. Throughout the duration of the project, she coordinates the sound recording and processing work of the team of technicians and sees to the synchronization of sound and video elements. The sound production facilitates the perception of your audiovisual communication. Our audio producers, from original musical creation to post-production, puts all their know-how into developing the sound quality of your productions in its recording studios equipped with the latest technologies and audio engineering tools.

As professional audio producers, we are focus on the quality of the sound, by itself or linked to an image or a video. To do this, our audio producers investment policy has always preserved a subtle balance devoted to sound production and post-production. The response from its customers, who were very satisfied with having made-to-measure, was not long in coming, validating the choices of the founders who focused their development on the differentiation and originality offered by our audio producers. In all styles, from classical music to techno, the audio producers have thus participated in the constitution of a diverse and varied musical and sound projects library.

The overall control of the sound production chain contributes to guaranteeing the quality of the studio’s productions, allowing each of its customers to cultivate their difference.

Radio spots
We make professional radio spots, we have a wide portfolio of professional locution, original music production and creation of authentic sound effects to satisfy all your needs.

We make commercial music to identify products or services, as well as audio for call waiting, so that your customers stay informed of the news that your company offers.

Audio producers for video
We do audio production for video of any kind, commercials, short films, social media influencers videos, corporate videos, etc. Music and/or voice, any element that your production requires.



As a singer, you are looking for musicians and sound engineers to compose a custom your song, and put a melody and a good beat to your lyrics.
No matter if you have melody ideas or not, we are here to complete your song and make it happen in the best way.
In can be to create an album/ep, to contact labels, to participate in an audition, or to promote your songs on YouTube and social medias. Or you are just looking to have a song composed from your lyrics for any reason, our pro music studio for music is here to finally create the track you really want.

We offer you the creation of your personalized song remotely, which corresponds to a melody to sing and a chord chart.
The structure of the song (intro, verse, chorus, bridge) will be adapted to your possible texts or wishes.
We can also create toplines from instrumentals you already have.
Our melodists and sound engineers are the experienced musicians you need.

How does your music composer arranger studio work?
First, you have to be sure that we will make songs that respect your style and your personality.

During a first exchange (by phone or email), you can explain your project to us, let us listen to your possible existing songs and your possible melodic bases. You can also give us references of artists or musical styles, definitive or partial texts, the tonality (if you know it).
You can have millions of information to provide us, or just an abstract idea, we will be able to provide you an optimal result in any case.

We will then offer you in the days that follow ideas (melodies and chords) on which you can give us your comments. As our exchanges and successive versions progress, we will obtain the original song that corresponds to your expectations.

At the end, you will have an instrumental to be able to pose your voice, and a version with a “witness” voice. We can also offer you an arrangement of the more produced title (bass, guitar, drums, etc.) and the recording of your voice to give it the style you want. We can also offer you the writing of lyrics by an author or the recording of the melody of your song by a singer or a professional singer.